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Communities > Diagnostic & Analysis System > MaxiSys Elite > how to ad my google drive to my elite ta...
how to ad my google drive to my elite tablet

1078 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2021-01-31 15:49:04

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2021-01-30 17:50:30
      how to add my google drive to my elite tablet ?

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-01-31 15:49:04 (Reply to:maza7070)

    The Maxi Sys Elite runs on Android 4.4 and the minimum Android requirement for Google Drive appears to be Android 5.0 to download the App. The tool is probably seems confused enough with Autel continually playing the Update Shell game of Optimizing this or that and other Fluff to get OE special functions to look different enough to fly legally without possibly further compromising what still does work by you running some BS Apps designed to run off a newer OS :-))
      The MS909, 919, and Ultra run off Android 7.0 but if I had to venture a guess, There is probably going to still be something that is built into it to throttle you back from installing and running whatever you want because Autel probably isn't paying Google for Unlimited App Licensing like the Cell Phone manufacturers, so something is built into to deny some  unapproved Apps to run.
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